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Fučik, Julius (1872 - 1919) Starý Bručoun, bassoon solo (lit. Old Grumper) also published under various other titles, incl. Der Alte Brummbär (lit. The Old Growlbear), The Bear with a Sore Head and The Angry Grandfather.
Danzi, Franz (1763-1826) Wind Quintet in Bb Major, Op. 56, No 1. click here for video
Françaix, Jean (b. 1919) Quatuor, for flute, oboe, clarinet and bassoon
With guest Andrea Skowronek, dancer and choreographer.
Ibert, Jacques François Antoine (1890-1962)
"Trois Pièces Bréves" for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon (1930)
click here for video
Ephesus, Turkish Television. about Ephesus
One of the earliest videos of the Soni Ventorum, performing the last movement of the Quartet by Ignaz Pleyel (1757 - 1831) in the ancient OdeonTheater. click here for video
These show the complete score:
▸August, September, 2017 (+all parts) ROSSINI,
the Six Wind Quartets view all videos
▸July, 2017 (+ score) JANACEK,
Mladi (Youth) view video
▸June, 2017 (+ score) TAFFANEL,
Quintette view video
▸May, 2017 (+Score) MILHAUD,
La Cheminée
du Roi René view video
▸April, 2017 (+Score) HINDEMITH,
Kleine Kammermusik view video
▸March, 2017 (+Score) CARTER,
Eight Etudes and a Fantasy view video
▸February, 2017 (+Score) BARBER,
Summer Music view video
▸January, 2017 (+Score) HANNS EISLER,
Divertimento Für Bläserquintett view video
▸December, 2016 (+Score) IRVING FINE,
Partita for Wind Quintet view video
▸November, 2016, (+Score) HAYDN,
Works for the Mechanical Organ view video
▸October, 2016, (+Score) W. O. SMITH,
Jazz Set for Violin and Winds view video
These new ones show other images:
▸April, 2021, MENDELSSOHN, Canzonetta view video
▸February, 2021, SmAINT-SAENS, Tarantella for Fl., Clar. and Piano view video
▸January, 2021, DANZI, Quintet Op.68 No.3 view video
▸December, 2020, BRAHMS-Popkin, Variations on a theme by Handel view video
▸Novemger, 2020, CAMBINI, Quintet No. 3 in F major view video
▸October, 2020, SCHAFER,"Minnelieder"(I), soprano and winds view video
▸September, 2020, SCHAFER,"Minnelieder"(II), soprano and winds view video
▸August, 2020, FRANCAIX, Quintette No. 2, Finale, Allegrissimo view video
▸May, June and July 2020, W. O. SMITH, "Eternal Truths" view video
▸March, April 2020, FRANCAIX, "Toccata" from Quintet No. 2 view video
▸February 2020, BIRD, Finale from Serenade forWinds, Op. 40 view video
▸Januaty 2020, LACHNER, Finale from Quintet No. 2 in Eb view video
▸December 2019, KRAMAR, Menuetto from the Octet in F view video
▸November 2019, BERGSMA, "Masquerade" for wind quintet view video
▸October, 2019, VILLA-LOBOS, Choros No. 2 for flute and clarinet view video
▸September, 2019, REICHA, quintet in c minor, Op, 91, No. 6 view video
▸August, 2019, REICHA, quintet in d minor, Op, 88, No. 4 view video
▸June and July, 2019, DANZI, two quintets: Op, 67, Nos. 2 and 3 view video
▸May, 2019, HAYDN, Presto for the Flute Clock, (arr. Skowronek) view video
▸April, 2019, Walter PISTON, Scherzando from Wind Quintet view video
▸February, March,2019, RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, Flight of the Bumblebee view video
▸January, 2019, FRANCAIX, Scherzo from Trio for Winds view video
▸December, 2018, VILLA-LOBOS, Wind Quartet (1928) view video
▸November, 2018, ELLIOTT CARTER, Wind Quintet (1948) view video
▸October, 2018, BERGSMA, "Changes for Wind Quintet and Orchestra" view video
▸September, 2018, REICHA, Quintet, Op. 88 No.3 in G major view video
▸August, 2018, GORDON JACOB, Sextet for Piano and Wind Quintet view video
▸July, 2018, ONSLOW, Wind Quintet, Op. 81 view video
▸June, 2018, SAINT-SAENS, Caprice on Danish and Russian Airs view video
▸May, 2018, PAUL TUFTS, "Burlesque" from "Cassation for Winds" view video
▸April, 2018, BEETHOVEN, Quintet for Winds & Piano, (II. Andante) view video
▸March, 2018, JIN CHIANG, "The Shape and the Spirit" view video
▸February, 2018, BOZZA, Variations sur un Thème Libre view video
▸January, 2018, BORIS BLACHER "Konzertstück" (Quintet + orch.) view video
▸December, 2017, DONALD ERB "The Last Quintet" view video
▸October, 2017, IBERT, Trois Pieces Breves (Mvt. 3) view video
▸September, 2016, ARRIEU, Suite en Quatre view video
▸July, 2016, d'INDY, Danses, from Chanson et Danses, Op. 50 view video
▸June, 2016, MARTINU, Sextet for Winds and Piano view video
▸April, 2016, BABBITT, Woodwind Quartet (1953). view video
▸March, 2016, VILLA-LOBOS, Choros, No. 7, view video
▸February, 2016, REINECKE, Carl, Octet in Bb, Op. 24 view video
▸January, 2016, RAFF, Joachim, Sinfonietta for 10 Winds view video
▸December, 2015, ROSEMAN, Ronald, Woodwind Quintet view video
▸November, 2015, MILHAUD, Symphonie for 10 Winds view video
▸ Sept., 2015, RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, Quintet, piano and winds, Rondo view video
▸ August, 2015, BLANCHETt, "A Haitian Tale" for wind quintet and drum view video
▸ July, 2015, SCHOENBERG, Wind Quintet, Op. 24, third mvt. view video
The most popular
The arresting animations of Stephen Malinowski, Musanim have enjoyed the greatest response; he is able to show the notes themselves as beautiful moving objects:
Mozart, W.A. (1756 -1791) Piano Quintet in Eb Major (K. 452)
With guest Neal O'Doan, Piano. Mvt. 3, Allegro. Performed
October, 1980
Animation by Stephen Malinowski
click here for video
Bach, J.S., Adagio from the Concerto in C minor for Oboe and Violin (1727)
Laila Storch, Oboe; Martin Friedmann, violin; with the University of Washington Sinfonietta, Vilem Sokol conducting. Performed
February, 1970
Animation by Stephen Malinowski
click here for video
Spohr, Louis (1784 - 1859) Sechs Deutsche Lieder, Op. 103
Montserrat Alavedra, soprano; Joseph Levine, fortepiano (pitch A=430);
William McColl, 1820s clarinet, original, Mollenhauer (Fulda), Germany
6. Wach Auf! Performed
June, 1984
Animation by Stephen Malinowski
click here for video
Brahms, Johannes (1833 - 1897) Quintet for Clarinet and Strings, Op. 115
3. Andantino - presto William McColl, clarinet with The Orford String Quartet, Andrew Dawes and Kenneth Perkins, violin; Sophie Renshaw, viola; Denis Brott, 'cello.
Performed June, 1988
Animation by Stephen Malinowski
click here for video
Alternate video animation of the same piece: click here for alternate vide
Among creators of YouTube videos there are superstars whose uploads number in the hundreds - or thousands. It is flattering (even if statistically unsurprising) that several of these enthusiasts have shown interest in the music of Soni Ventorum and its members.
Dean Richardson has found a very short and very fast movement from the newly-reissued Lyrichord albums: click here for video
An uploader with the whimsically self-deprecatory username "Scruffy Redwood" has created 379 videos of widely varying subject matter. The music videos consist of just one static, but well-chosen image:
Cambini, Giovanni Giuseppe (1746 - 1825) Trois Quintetti Concertans
No. 1 in Bb Major: I. Allegro Maestoso click here for video
No. 1 in Bb Major: II. Larghetto Cantabile click here for video
No. 2 in D Minor: III. Presto ma non Tanto click here for video
No. 3 in F Major: III. Rondo Allegro con Brio click here for video
Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1781 - 1864) Hirtenlied
Montserrat Alavedra, soprano; Joseph Levine, fortepiano (pitch A=430); William McColl, 1820s clarinet, original, Mollenhauer (Fulda) click here for video
Reicha, Anton (1770-1836) Variations for Bassoon
Arthur Grossman, bassoon; Neal O'Doan, Piano click here for video
Farago, Marcel (b. 1924) Bassoon Pieces
Arthur Grossman, bassoon click here for video
Demersseman, Jules (1833 - 1866) Introduction and Polonaise for Bassoon
Arthur Grossman, bassoon; Neal O'Doan, Piano click here for video
Almenräder, Carl (1786 - 1846) Pot-Pourri
Arthur Grossman, bassoon; Katherine Collier, Piano click here for video
Another prodigious uploader is "pelodelperro", with 1,852 videos to his humble username. He too uses just one decorative image per video:
Danzi, Franz (1763-1826) Quintet in E minor, Op. 67, No. 2 click here for video
Danzi, Franz Quintet in Eb major, Op. 67, No. 3 (Mvts. 1 & 2) click here for video
Danzi, Franz Quintet in Eb major, Op. 67, No. 3 (Mvts. 3 & 4) click here for video
Nuno Araujo, with 175 videos to his credit has assembled a thirty minute scenic slideshow accompanied by the same two Danzi quintets:
Danzi, Franz (1763-1826) Quintet in E minor, Op. 67, No. 2, together with
Danzi, Franz Quintet in Eb major, Op. 67, No. 3 click here for video
Can a Bulgarian kaval upstage the usual woodwinds? If played by Alex Eppler the answer is yes!
click here for video
Norway: If you put a movie camera on the nose of a locomotive and film a one-hour ride to the Arctic Circle, you need some background music that's, well, cool. Soni Ventorum to the rescue!
click here for video
"Music for Relaxation" has chosen this peppy Cambini movement, but adds this caution: "WARNING! Do not watch or listen to Inspiring Music videos while you need to be fully awake and alert." click here for video
"Chillbrook" Has used Mozart to create a mood for Cornwall:
Mozart, W.A. Concerto in A major for clarinet and orchestra (K. 622)
University Symphony Orchestra; Abraham Kaplan, conductor; William McColl, basset clarinet. A video montage of images from around Cornwall, UK, using the second movement, Adagio, as background music. Performed
December, 1987 click here for video
Here Mozart is aimed at a soon-to-be discriminating audience:
Mozart, W.A. Sinfonia Concertante in Eb major (K. anh. 9/297b) for oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and orchestra. James Caldwell, oboe; William McColl, clarinet; Robert Bonnevie, horn; Arthur Grossman, bassoon. Third Mvt.
The Casals Festival Orchestra, Alexander Schneider, conductor. click here for video
This Russian fairy tale is baffling to foreigners. Viewers with the
patience to copy and paste its comments or title into Google
Translate will be richly entertained:
click here for video
YouTube explorers are encouraged to report further discoveries of videos using our music to: